Information about UPERGY shares

  • Safety Data Sheet

    • Date of listing: January 15, 2007 – 1st listing on January 22, 2007
    • Trading market: Euronext Growth
    • Index: Gaïa Index which groups together the 70 companies with the best ESG performance
    • ISIN codes: FR0010337865
    • Classifications: Reuters : ALUPG.PA1 – ​Bloomberg : ALUP : FP
    • Form of share: share with single voting rights for 2 years, then double voting rights
    • Nominal value: 0,61 per share
    • Annual closing date: 31/12
    • Intervention window schedule: view Blackout Periods
    • PEA and PEA-SME Eligibility – Not eligible for DSS (Deferred Settlement Service)

  • Price history

    • Number of shares traded in 2023 (daily average): 139
    • Capital in thousands of euros :​​ 775
    • Amount of dividends for 2023: none
    • Highest price over 2023 in euros: 3.74
    • Lowest price over 2023 in euros: 1.60
    • Last price on 29/12/2023 in euros: 1.81
  • Capital distribution

    • Number of shares on 26/05/2024 : 4.731.213​​
    • ​Nombre de droits de vote au 24/05/2024 : 8.318.636
    • Capitalisation on 29/12/2023 : 8.56M€
    • Capital distribution:

      • HELER is the holding company of Mr. David BUFFELARD
  • Shareholder relations

    Head of Financial Communications : David BUFFELARD – CEO ; Aristide BADO – CFO ; Marie-Astrid Tissier – Administrative and Legal Manager Mail : Phone : External relations : Account holder contact : UPTEVIA – Investor Relations : Tél : +33 1 57 78 34 44 ; Email : Url shareholder page : Press and communications agency contact : CALYPTUS

    • Marie Calleux : Consulting Director, Associate
    • Darius Dinu : Communication Manager
    • Tel : +33 1 53 65 68 68