Environmental responsibility
Due to the fact that its business involves the assembly and sale of environmentally hazardous products, UPERGY has an environmental responsibility that the company cannot ignore. In order to implement actions to reduce the pressure exerted by the company on the environment, it is first necessary to measure the Group’s impact, an exercise accomplished through the annual calculation of the Carbon Footprint. UPERGY also wants to take into account the pressure exerted by the environment on its business through its sourcing strategy and the optimisation of resources used.
Reducing our carbon footprint
UPERGY is committed to calculating its carbon footprint every year and to include Scope 3 in the calculation perimeter in order to have the most complete possible representation of the Group’s carbon emissions. Actions are implemented every year to reduce emissions from the 2 main areas, which are currently product sourcing and transport. In order to achieve this, a carbon footprint reduction strategy will be drawn up in 2023 in collaboration with the departments concerned by these emissions.
Acting in favour of biodiversity
UPERGY is aware that preserving life and ecosystems is as important as climate change and is a pillar of the ecological transition. That is why the Group is committed to training in order to improve its maturity on this subject, raising awareness among its stakeholders and taking into account its impact on biodiversity in the performance of its business.
Anticipating the risk of resource shortages
To anticipate as far as possible the risk of resource shortages created by these conditions, UPERGY intends to rethink its sourcing strategy, particularly regarding the products purchased to maintain and develop the Group’s business, and to develop its Responsible Sourcing approach via the ISO 20 400 standard. To carry out this project, UPERGY needs to work with its suppliers and value chain.
Optimising the use of resources
The Group’s business requires the use of a variety of resources (assembly products, packaging, gas, water and electricity for buildings, paper, etc.). UPERGY is committed to optimizing and even reducing the consumption of these various resources and to taking environmental criteria into account in its purchasing choices. The goal here is to have a more responsible production method overall.