Ethics and Anticorruption
Ethical charter - diversity charter - LGBT+ charter
UPERGY has established an ethical charter, discover it by clicking here.
Public anticorruption and influence peddling web page
In accordance with the Sapin II law, UPERGY has adopted a code of conduct. This is available here: Download the code of conduct.
In addition to the code of conduct, UPERGY has modified its purchasing policy (download the purchase policy) and its gift policy (download the gift policy) in order to comply with the principles of the Sapin II law.
Integrity in business contributes to UPERGY’s good reputation and UPERGY attaches the utmost importance to acting in an irreproachable way with its stakeholders.
Our Code of Conduct is designed to guide business behaviour and provide practical advice, examples and links to other useful information.
- It is intended for all employees, members of the executive and management committees and corporate officers of UPERGY and its subsidiaries worldwide.
- It formalises the principles that the Group’s employees respect in the context of their professional activities. It complements the rules, procedures and standards defined in each country to which employees must continue to refer.
- All individuals acting on behalf of UPERGY are required to comply with this Code of Conduct, regardless of where they work or the nature of their work.
- UPERGY ensures that its partners share the same values.
Each UPERGY entity is required to take the necessary steps to implement the Code of Conduct.
This detailed code describes the basic rules concerning the following subjects:
- Gifts, courtesy and hospitality, entertainment
- Specific rules for public officials
- Donations to charitable or political organisations
- Patronage, sponsoring
- Facilitation payments
- Commitment to monitoring third parties.
However, this document may not answer all the questions that may arise and does not exempt the need to exercise one’s own judgment and common sense. Should there be any doubt about the appropriate course of action, the group has set up support and advice tools.
Adherence to the Code of Conduct is a condition of employment for all the group’s employees and any violation of this is not tolerated. The code is given to every employee who joins our group and is distributed to all employees. Every employee must read, understand and comply with it. Employees are aware of the serious consequences that a violation of the Code of Conduct can have for our group and for themselves. Insofar as any misconduct or non-compliance with the rules contained in the Code is likely to seriously harm UPERGY’s image and cause financial damage, employees must be extremely vigilant in complying with the rules set forth in the Code.
The Ethics Committee
If you witness or are the victim of a violation of the Code of Ethics or the Code of Conduct, please complete the form available at the following link , so that we can investigate your complaint.
You can also contact the Anticorruption Committee using the contact details below:
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The 01/06/2017 – Anti-corruption and influence peddling public web page – Updated the 23/03/2021
Global Compact Principles on Human Rights, Labor Standards and the Environment
Since 2012, UPERGY has complied with the principles of the Global Compact on human rights, labour standards and the environment which are the subject of a universal consensus and which are inspired by the following text :
The Global Compact calls on businesses to adopt, support and implement, within their sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labour and environmental standards, and anticorruption.
Intervention windows